Student Gallup Strengths Finder – What Am I Good At?

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Date(s) - June 25, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


The Sandbox Goleta
69 Santa Felicia Drive, Goleta

Colleges look for many factors when deciding who to admit. Academics are usually top of the list, followed by extracurricular involvement (aka proof of social skills so you won’t be a nightmare roommate), and essays. It is important to understand colleges are building a community, not a clone factory. When writing essays, it is especially important to show who you are, not just what you do.

But how do you figure that out? What makes you different from the people around you? The Gallup Strengths Finder will help you figure this out. It is NOT going to tell you what career you should choose, but it will identify your top five strengths that come naturally to you. Then you can explore how different career paths are suited (or not) to the talents you already have.

Each participant will take the Strengths Finder PRIOR to the class. Then, we will go through the results together and see how you can apply your new knowledge to a college essay or whatever else you do in life!



Identify your top 5 strengths and how they make you, you!


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Booking Summary

x Gallup Strengths Finder
Total Price